Green Financings

Green Financings


As part of our sustainability efforts, Trinity takes our commitment to reduce our company and industry’s environmental impact seriously. The Trinity Industries Leasing Company (TILC) Green Financing Framework is an important step to contributing to a more resource-efficient economy, embedding climate change mitigation into Trinity’s business strategy, and better facilitating our customers’ alignment in confronting these growing challenges. Railcars are a sustainable mode of transportation, and we are proud of the role that Trinity’s railcars play in lowering the overall environmental footprint of the transportation industry and delivering our country’s most important products across the North American continent.

The Green Financing Framework enables TILC to issue green financing instruments, including green non-recourse ABS bonds and green loans, supported by green eligible assets. Under the existing framework, TILC has issued over $4 billion of railcar-related debt that meet the criteria and qualify for the Green Financing designation. TILC was a pioneer in developing the railcar asset-backed securitization market beginning in 2001 and is, once again, leading the charge for the North American railcar industry as the first railcar lessor to publish a Green Financing Framework for railcar assets.

Green Bond Pre-Issuance Review Documentation